May ’20 Faves

Now that Arizona is consistently hitting 100 degrees every day, this month’s faves are almost all about coping with the hot weather.
- The inflatable pool that I bought to do social-distance pool parties with at my friend’s house since my apartment has had our pools on lock-down since March. It was an absolute nightmare trying to get this pool. We had 5 order cancellations and drove to multiple Targets. We managed to grab these from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. But isn’t it so cute? It’s super roomy and honestly I’m obsessed.
- This cute leopard 2 piece swimsuit from Target that makes me feel fierce and summer-ready. I was hesitant about going high-waisted, but it looks so cute on me and I don’t get self-conscious being seen in it.
- This super cheap, but life-saving spritzer fan. I don’t do well with stagnant, hot air, and this has come in clutch a number of times. My boyfriend ends up playing a ton of softball in the summer, and this has helped keep me a little more supportive.
- Meditate bath salts by Ritual. Shaun got these for me a while back from World Market and I just finished the bag yesterday. They smell so good! I don’t usually burn a candle when I use them, which is definitely saying something because I am pretty consistent with burning candles when I take baths.
- The Sleep pillow mist from Bath and Body Works. I am a fan of good smells. There is absolutely nothing in the world better than climbing into a made bed right after spraying this. It’s one of my go-to moves after a rough day.
- Cetaphil face moisturizer is a crucial part of my newly-established skincare routine. Not only does it make my skin super soft and not-irritated, but it also has SPF 15 protection which is just convenient since I live in AZ where the sun is literally always shining.
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