You’ve Been Booed!: A Spooky-fun Time
Are you looking for something to do this Halloween? One of my favorite Halloween traditions as a kid was “You’ve Been Booed!” This year, a lot of the spooky activities may be canceled (or will at least look different). I thought we could bring some spooky cheer to our community through this. This activity is fun, safe, and cheap to do!
Do you like ding dong ditch? This is just like this (but nice). The basic premise is you pick two homes in your neighborhood or apartment complex. (Fun fact, there’s also an office version if you’re back to work!) You pack up 2 boxes with goodies, sneak around your neighborhood, and leave your packages.
Prepare your Goodies

Here’s a basic list of what you’ll need:
- A bag or box: A popular option is the cheap, plastic, pumpkin trick-or-treat baskets. We actually found cute bags at our local Target.
- Fillings: There are two main options for this: booed or boozed. We elected to go safe and family-friendly with ours and filled our bags with candy and granola bars. The alternative is to fill your buckets with mini booze, beer, or wine. This is a fun option if you live in an adults-only community.
- Instructions and sign print out: There are tons of options for this online. We used this resource HERE which puts the instructions and the ghost sign on one piece of paper.
- Optional Personal Note: I added a small, anonymous, personal note in our packages. I felt like it would encourage people to participate if they had something that indicated a real person was doing this, not just a faceless stranger.

You’ve Been Booed!
It’s time to get sneaky! Once it’s dark out, put on some dark clothes and try not to be suspicious! Find your targeted home, place your bag in front of their door, ring the door/knock, and then RUN. Don’t get caught!
Check on your work after 10=15 minutes. Is the bag still there? It’s the most fun for everyone if the people are home to grab it. If they aren’t, just plan to go back later or pick a different unit.
The recipients will hang the ghost on the door and “boo” 2 other homes once they’ve been hit. The ghost sign tells people to skip their house and boo someone else. The goal here is to hit as many homes by October 31 as possible.

Happy haunting friends!
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