I've been absent from my blog for a year now. In that time, I reverted to my low maintenance hobbies in the little free time I had between work and applying for school. Without further ado, here are a few recommendations from the last few months.
- Category: Live -
For Valentine's Day this year, Shaun bought me the Couple's Edition of The Adventure Challenge. If you somehow haven't seen 500 Instagram ads about it, it's a book with a bunch of date ideas in it. The fun part is that you don't know what the dates are until you scratch them off. Each date has a few clues to…
I got a new job! 2 weeks ago I started my new role as a Staff Accountant for Upward Projects. If you've been to Arizona, Colorado, or Texas you may have eaten at one of their restaurants (Postino, Joyride, Federal Pizza, Windsor, and Churn). This restaurant group has been a staple in my life since college. Shaun and I even…
Check out my favorite movie, show, podcast, and purchase from January!
Check out this month's favorites featuring a show, movie, podcast, drink, purchase, and book!
I've lived in Arizona for a little over 10 years now, but I've surprisingly not spent a lot of time in Flagstaff. I've gone up for a few ski trips, a college tour, and an interview. Unfortunately, none of those trips really allowed for any real exploration of the town itself.
I hope you’re ready for a re-vamp of my monthly faves list, because I can’t leave the format alone lol. This month I’ve decided to change it up and share one favorite for a few categories. If you like this better (or if you hate it) let me know!
This month I figured I'd go back to sharing my impulse-purchases with you. My online shopping has gotten a bit out of control again, so enjoy the fruits of my labors and my empty wallet.
For my most recent birthday, I was gifted 2 Groupon spa days. I finally used my first one this week. In the past, I'd only gone to the spa with my family. This time I decided to do a solo spa day on my own and had an AMAZING time.
This month I thought I'd do something a little different for my faves. Since I'm still spending all of my time at home, I thought I'd share my favorite shows this month.

I'm Kristin, a lover of anything related to learning and development. I'm a full-time Accountant based in sunny Phoenix, AZ. Promotions & Prosecco is a diary of my self growth journey and the delicious food and drinks I enjoy along the way.